ECUMEST members
Dan BARTHA-LAZAR, "Radu Stanca" Theatre, Sibiu
Dragos BUHAGIAR, Scenographer
Eugen COJOCARIU, Vice-editor in chief, Radio Romania International
Claudia CONSTANTINESCU, Architect, coordinator of the Euroatelier Association
Aura CORBEANU, Executive director, UNITER
Carmen CROITORU, Manager, events & PR, Cultural Communication
Alexandru DABIJA, Theatre director
Stefania FERCHEDAU, Member of the Executive Board, ECUMEST
Florin MIHAILESCU, Professor, Faculty of Film, UNATC
Georgeta Maria IUGA, Manager IUGA Foundation, Baia Mare
Virgiliu MARGINEANU, General director, OWH TV Studio, Chisinau
Delia MUCICA, Secretary general, Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
Oana RADU, Expert, Member of the Executive board, ECUMEST
Corina RACEANU, Councillor, Direction for Culture, Religious Affairs
and National Cultural Heritage of the Timis County
Corina SUTEU, Founder of ECUMEST, expert and consultant in the fields
of cultural management and european cultural policies, trainer
Iulian VRABETE, Musician, Holograf
Corina Suteu is the founder of the ECUMEST Association, independent
expert and consultant in the fields of cultural management and european
cultural policies, trainer, and currently president of the association.
Formerly, she was head of the Cultural Management Unit of the Institut
de lhomme et de la technolgie (Nantes); president of the European
Forum of Cultural Networks and, for 9 years, director of the European
Master's degree in cultural management of Dijon Business School in France,
where she initiated and implemented the MA program ECUMEST for Eastern
Europe. She is also the initiator of the Policies for Culture ECF/ ECUMEST
program. She works regularly as an expert for various cultural organisations
- Council of Europe, Open Society Foundation, Boekman Foundation, European
Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), IETM, ENCATC, etc. She is author of
studies and articles in the above mentioned fields and teaches regularly
cultural policies in France, Romania, Serbia and other European countries.
Presently she is director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New
York. (corina.suteu@ecumest.ro)
Expert, member of the Executive board
Oana Radu is member of ECUMEST, taking part in the Executive board and
contributing to the association's activities as expert in the field
of cultural policies and coordinator of several cultural cooperation
projects in Eastern Europe. She is regional coordinator for South East
Europe of the Policies for Culture programme, jointly developed by ECUMEST
and the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam. She is initiator
of the ARCult programme aiming to provide to the Romanian cultural sector
specialized assistance (information, action research, consultancy) in
the field of cultural policies and legislation. She holds an MA in cultural
management from the Dijon Business School, France. Currently she is
deputy director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York. (oana.radu@ecumest.ro)
member of the Executive board
Stefania Ferchedau is member of ECUMEST. She has a BA in classical philology
from the University of Bucharest, and is co-author of a series of translations
from Latin and ancient Greek published at the Polirom publishing house
since 1999. In 2002-2003, she worked on programming of films and events
at the Romanian Cinematheque, while following a MA programme in cultural
management. Since 2003 she joined ECUMEST and contributed to the development
of its numerous projects aimed at 'making it work' for the cultural
sector and at supporting contemporary creativity. Among these are Policies
for Culture, Press Stress Group, ARCult & Piata de dezbateri (ARCult
Forum) or the production of a series of lectures, master classes and
workshops with theatre director Andrei Serban. She also coordinated
during this time a series of the ECUMEST publications. (stefania@ecumest.ro)
Elena IACOB - Accountant