The recognised expertise of the association led to
numerous requests
for consultancy, commissioning of various researches and studies.
The list below represents a series of commissioned works currently
underway or already completed by the ECUMEST team or by its members.
2007: Research - Overview of the Romanian independent cultural scene
in focus at
A series of materials on this theme were prepared by ECUMEST at the
commissioning of, a partner initiative of the European
Cultural Foundation. Part of the documentation is available in the online
publications page. More
2005: Survey - Funding opportunities for international cultural cooperation
in/with South East Europe
European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
Research and report on the funding opportunities for cultural cooperation
projects in/with South East Europe, in collaboration with Relais Culture
Europe (Paris), at the commissioning of the European Cultural Foundation.
The report was released in October 2005 and is available in the online
publications page. More
2005: Study - Independent cultural organisations in the Central
and Eastern European countries, Turkey and Caucasus
AFAA - Association Francaise d'Action
Artistique (Paris)
Producing a report on the state of independent artistic organisations
in Eastern Europe in view of the development, by AFAA, of an European
cooperation project.
2004/2005: Study - Recommendations for a shared methodological approach
to cultural diversity and related issues
UNESCO (Paris)
Methodological comparative study on the Observatories for Cultural Diversity
initiated by UNESCO (Corina Suteu).
2004/2005: Research - A short guide to the Romanian cultural sector
today. Mapping opportunities for cultural cooperation
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
The guide is the result of the research realised in view of promoting
a long term cultural cooperation with Romania. Representing an instrument
of information and of promotion of the main Romanian cultural actors,
the guide was published with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute.
Details in the printed
editions page...
2004: Study - Cultural Policy Curriculum Development
& Mobility Support for Lecturers in Central and Eastern Europe
European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
Feasability study in view of launching, by the European Cultural Foudation,
of CPEG - Cultural Policy Education Group - a programme for the support
of the academic training development in the field of cultural policies
in Eastern Europe, on the basis of the pilot initiative launched in
the framework of the Policies for Culture programme.
The study is available at
2004: Consultancy - On-The-Move
IETM - Informal European Theatre Meeting
Consultancy and training in developing, bringing up-to-date, utilising
and promoting the On-the-Move
portal, focusing on cultural cooperation in the field of performing
arts (Corina Suteu, Oana Radu).
2003/2005: Consultancy - STEP beyond
European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
Consultancy in the development and evaluation of process within the
beyond mobility fund of the European Cultural Foundation (Oana Radu).
2003/2004: Consultancy - Cultural Heritage Project
Ministry of Culture of Romania / Hydea
S.r.l. (Florence)
Consultancy services provided for the Design of a Public Education and
Awareness Campaign in the framework of the Cultural Heritage Project,
Romania (initiated by the Romanian Government in 1999 based on a World
Bank Learning and Innovation Loan). The campaign aimed at the development
of a better understanding of the audience and of a support having in
view the importance of the cultural heritage. ECUMEST was Hydea's partner
in providing consultancy to the Project Implementation Unit within the
Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs.
2003: Study - The State of Cultural Cooperation in Europe
European Commission/ Interarts Foundation
(Barcelona) & EFAH (Bruxelles)
The ECUMEST Association has represented, under the coordination of Corina
Corinei Suteu, the national correspondent for Romania in the process
of evaluation of the existing trends in the field of intergovernmental
cultural cooperation in 31 European countries. The result of the evaluation
are presented in the study "The State of Cultural Cooperation in
Europe", realised in 2003 by INTERARTS and EFAH, at the request
of the European Commission. The report was released in 2004 and is available
from the European
Commission website.
2003: Consultancy - Crossing Perspectives' seminar
European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
Concept and coordination of the dossier for the workshop "Crossing
Perspectives: Cultural Cooperation with South Eastern Europe" (June
2003, Amsterdam), organised by the European Cultural Foundation in the
framework of the 'Enlargement of Minds' action line (Corina Suteu).
2003: Study - Overview on cultural policy in Central and Eastern
Europe between 1990/2003
UNESCO (Paris)
Realisation of the report on the evolutions in the field of cultural
policy in Central and Eastern Europe at the UNESCO request (Corina Suteu).
paper is available in the publications pages...
2001/2002: Consultancy - Programs' evaluation
European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
Audit and evaluation of the programmes East-West Parliamentary Practice
Project and Fund for Central and East European Book Projects initiated
and supported by the European Cultural Foundation (Corina Suteu).
2000/2001: Consultancy - PHARE/ the Cultural Dimension of Democracy
Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs/
NOMISMA (Bologna) & ECUME (Dijon)
Consultancy in the field of training in cultural management provided,
as partner of the ECUME Association (France) partner and NOMISMA, to
the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs in the framework of PHARE/
the Cultural Dimension of Democracy. ECUMEST participated in the concept
and development of the cultural management course by supporting the
thematic specific to the cultural field.
1999/2005: Various graduate programmes, short-term training sessions
and other forms of professional development in Romania, Belgia, Croatia,
Elvetia, Franta, Italia, Polonia, Portugalia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spania,
Courses and lectures in the fields of cultural management, cultural
policies, international cultural cooperation realised by members of
the team and experts affiliated with ECUMEST.